Wifi Service

and with your Safety Network

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What is WifiCebimde?

Secure Internet Sharing

Serve your customers and remember them with legal internet sharing...

You can operate your device in full compatibility with all devices in your business. All your customers need to do is select your Wi-fi network and log in. WifiCebimde does the rest for you, ensuring the security of you and your customers by monitoring the traffic on the entire network. It shares internet by storing legal records.

Features of WifiCebimde

Advanced Options and Comfortable Use

WWifiCebimde guarantees the security of your Wi-Fi network and the quality of your internet with the services it offers to you and your customers.


5651 Logging

According to Law No. 5651, logging is a system in which institutions or individuals providing internet access can record the movements of people using the service they offer. Law No. 5651 is a law regarding the regulation of publications on the internet and the fight against crimes committed through these publications. It became mandatory with the law no. 5651.

If logging is not done, all transactions carried out over this internet access are the responsibility of the person providing the service. Wifi Cebimde allows you to have a legal system by connecting your device to your modem in your business, without the need for technical knowledge and technical personnel.

WifiCebimde Packages

Best Price-Product Guarantee

Choose your product and service now on WifiCebimde. Let's carry out the promotion, installation, security and support services as quickly as possible.


  • 0 - 100 Users
  • User Data List
  • Signed Data Analysis
  • BTK Data Delivery
  • Meeting Screen
  • Advanced Reporting
  • Custom Verification


  • 200 + Users
  • User Data List
  • Signed Data Analysis
  • BTK Data Delivery
  • Meeting Screen
  • Advanced Reporting
  • Custom Verification